☽▽° NewMoonMedicine: Temple of the Sacred Womb °▽☾
*New moon ceremony for women with Yogini Womb Yoga, the Sacred Medicine of Cacao & Shamanic Sound Journey*
01 February 2022
19.30 – 23.15h
„A woman’s center is in her womb-heart, not her head. She lives on earth, connected through relationship, not in an abstract concept or code of what life is. As soon as a woman’s center of gravity shifts to the womb, she becomes centered, empowered, present and grounded. When a woman’s center is in her head, she suffers badly and becomes more disempowered, trying to compete with men who are mind centered, thereby losing connection with her feminine essence.“
( P. & A. Aon Prakasha)
Dear wom(B)an,
feel warmly invited for this magical journey to the roots of your feminine nature.
The deepest and ancient mysteries of life live in the womb of every woman.
The womb is a sacred, mystical inner temple, a source of energy, creativity, wisdom and power.
A magical space created to birth new life, new realities and ourselves, again and again. Through her innate connection with our heart center the womb can lead us the way in an authentic & self-determined freedom and love. She fuels our ability to discover and utilize our sovereign creative power in tune with the sacred puls of life.
So let us gather again in a loving sister circle and sacred space to dive deep into our heart-womb temple, to release old wounds of separation and to make space for new, spirit infused life to be birthed through us. Let us remember the magic and the wisdom our our feminine nature, that lies beyond words and logic and yearns to be felt.
The newmoon represents new beginnings. She marks the begin of a new cycle and invites us to listen into our depths, to receive what wants to be birthed. She symbolizes the time of void and pure potential, the moment where the old is not any more and the new is not yet manifested. It is the time of absolute darkness, from where all new life is birthed. Just like in our wombs.
Our evening:
After a sensual attunement and connection with the Cacao Deva we will flow with sound, breath and gentle & juicy womb yoga to drop down from our heads to our inner heart-womb temple and thereby open for our journey.
A following, guided meditation will lead us into the depths of our feminine centre to provide healing and connection.
A shamanic sound journey with drums, rattles, singing bowls, shamanic medicine songs and mantras and particular womb sounds will support our inner journey. The journey strengthens our ka-body (energy body) and enhances a receptive altered state of consciousness to listen, what truly yearns to be birthed.
Further informations:
- please register: ▷ info@yogagaya.de
- Where: online
- Investition: 44€
- ⋗ Further informations about cacao
Please bring:
- comfy clothes
- something red (clothes, jewelry…)
- red flower
- journal & pen
- water bottle
- personal items to charge on the altar (optional)